Sunday, February 28, 2010

2.2 for a total of 11.4

Its been kind of a crazy couple of weeks. With all the wedding planning that has been put into overdrive, its been hard to make sure that I make the right foods. However, I have been trying to make better choices. Let me tell you, El Pollo Loco has some AWESOME grilled chicken. Its so yummy and a much much better choice than lots of other foods.

Observation...I was getting bad headaches almost daily. To the point I was takin a min of 3 excedrine EVERY single day. I was gettin super worried. However, we started this contest and a week later I joined weight watchers. I started eating lots and lots of vegetables, and turkey, fruit and healthy foods...I have stayed away from grezzey fast food...and guess what? Other than a stress related headache the other day, I havent had one headache! Can you believe that? I really think it has something to do with the stuff that might be in fast food.

Even though the weight loss is small amounts weekly, I actually feel healthier and better and I am making a challenge/promise to keep eating like this and not going back to the eatin fast food life style. Now if I could just get the daily excerise on the schedule :)

1 comment:

  1. No more headaches? And just because you changed you diet? That is awesome Diana!
